Chionodoxa Pink Giant 1ltr
Club Plus Price £5.39
Add a burst of new life to your spring garden with Chionodoxa Pink Giant. Sporting beautiful spikes of star-shaped‚ white-eyed, soft pink flowers with glossy‚ bright green leaves, it usually flowers around March, offering early spring colour.
Pink Giant looks stunning naturalised in long grasses, or as part of a meadow planting scheme. Alternatively, plant them in a sunny border or container and they will thrive just as well.
Please note that all our plants come in simple plastic pots unless otherwise stated in the product name. If you wish to pot yours up we do have a wide range of pots to choose from.
- - Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Any well drained soil
- Flowering period: Early spring
- Attracts bees
- Delicate, star-like flowers in pale blue-lilac
- A great choice for naturalising in lawns - DimensionsPot size: 1 litre
- Preparation & UsagePlant Pink Giant in well-drained soil and in full sunshine. Avoid cutting back plants (if grown in grass, avoid mowing) until the foliage has died down, to enable it to self-seed.
Plant images copyright Floramedia.
- SafetyThis product will come with any relevant warnings please read carefully before use.
- Delivery & Returns
Dobbies aim to deliver between 3-5 working days, but it can take longer to deliver to Northern Ireland, Highlands and Islands.
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Delivery is free for orders over £50 (£5.95 otherwise).
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