Daffodil (Narcissus) Jetfire 1ltr
Narcissus 'Jetfire' is a classic and well-known daffodil, much loved for its attractive bi-colour flowers and reliable garden performance.
During spring, this variety produces elegant blooms with slightly reflexed, pointed yellow petals and centred with a long orange trumpet.
Perfect for planting in pots, border, rockeries or through grass, this compact variety is perfect for growing in large groups or tucking into small spaces. What's more, with a delicate fragrance and long vase life, they make very sweet cut flowers for spring posies too.
Low maintenance and easy to grow, enjoy this variety flowering in your garden every spring.
Please note that all our plants come in simple plastic pots unless otherwise stated in the product name. If you wish to pot yours up we do have a wide range of pots to choose from.