Potentilla Red Ace 2ltr
Transform your summer garden with the vibrant beauty of Potentilla Red Ace, also known as Shrubby Cinquefoil. This stunning shrub creates neat, compact mounds of finely divided, lance-shaped light green leaves that turn a striking coppery-orange in autumn. From March to September, it bursts into life with masses of dazzling red flowers, making it a standout addition to your outdoor space.
Renowned as one of the best flowering shrubs, Potentilla Red Ace is an fantastic choice for all gardeners. Its extended blooming season ensures continuous colour and charm throughout the summer months, making it perfect for borders, beds, or as a standout feature in your garden.
Please note that all our plants come in simple plastic pots unless otherwise stated in the product name. If you wish to pot yours up we do have a wide range of pots to choose from.