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Gardening tips for March


This month the new gardening season begins - nature stirs into growth as the days get longer and the soil warms up. Cheerful yellow Daffodils declare that spring is finally here!

Now’s the time to plant your summer flowering bulbs as well as everyone’s favourite veg - the humble potato. Plus, there’s plenty more to plant, grow and sort both indoors and out in your garden.

Keeping on top of your gardening in early spring helps make the rest of the year a breeze. Follow our expert tips below to get your garden into shape for the months ahead.

Our gardening expert's top tips:

  • You may have already started sowing and potting on in February depending on the weather. If so, keep nurturing those plants.

  • Just like last month, if the weather is still chilly, you’ll need to wait until it warms up to start planting and sowing more tender plants outdoors. You may not be able to do some of the jobs until later in the month. In the meantime, remember to cover your tender outdoor plants with horticultural fleeces for protection against frost and snow.

Summer flowering bulbs


Planting summer flowering bulbs is a great way to grow your own cut flowers this summer. You can grow ever-popular floral favourites such as Gladiolus, Lilies Ranunculus, Dahlias and Begonias, providing weeks of colour outdoors and for cutting for displaying indoors. Plant bulbs directly into beds and borders where you’d like them to grow, into pots and hanging baskets, or even as a bulb lasagne if you’re looking to keep your garden unique – make sure to add some seasonal spring bedding plants such as violas or primroses on top so there’s something nice to look at while your bulbs grow!

Read our full guide on how to plant summer flowering bulbs


  • Wildflower mixes

  • Sweet peas

  • Hardy annuals such as Nigella, Centaurea or Calendula

  • Tomatoes

  • Sweet peppers

  • Chillies

  • Strawberries

  • Broad beans

  • Carrots

  • Beetroot

  • Lettuce

  • Radish

  • Spinach

  • Peas

  • Summer Cabbage

  • Celery

Lawn care


  • If your soil has warmed up already and is feeling dry, start preparing new lawn areas. Once cultivated, make sure the area is firmed and level, ready for sowing or turfing

  • Straighten lawn edges with an edging iron

  • Later in the month when it’s warmer, apply a spring/summer lawn feed high in nitrogen to established lawns

  • If the weather is mild enough, and the lawn is showing signs of growth, give it the first light cut of the season, keeping blades on their highest setting - just don’t cut if there is any chance of frost


  • Lightly trim winter flowering heathers that have started to fade with snips or shears to help keep them tidy and compact

  • Hoe borders to remove weeds, then apply a good layer of mulch over the surface to lock in moisture and help keep weeds at bay. Don’t forget to feed hedges too

  • Cut back any leftover deciduous grasses to make way for striking fresh new foliage

  • Sow Sweet Pea seeds on your beds and borders so they are ready for picking later in the summer

Flowers to plant in March


  • Plant new herbaceous perennials in well-prepared borders. If planted now, they will establish quickly to make a great display this summer
  • Hardy annuals can be sown in gaps where they are intended to flower



  • If you weren’t able to last month, freshen up your pots and hanging baskets with early season flowers like Primroses, Violas and Pansies

  • Plant potted summer flowering bulbs, such as the glorious Lily, in any gaps in your garden that could do with a pop of colour

Fruit & veg


  • Plant soft fruit such as blackcurrants and blueberries. There are various ranges available depending on the size, taste and look you’re aiming for available in store

  • Mulch the raspberry canes and other fruit bushes you planted last month with Farmyard Manure or Blooming Amazing

  • Plant rhubarb, remembering to allow enough room for them to develop to their full size. Add a thick layer of mulch around these new plants to help retain moisture and keep weeds at bay

  • Protect blossom of apricots, peaches and nectarines from any frosts with frost protection fleece

  • If you haven’t already done so, prepare your vegetable beds for planting by removing weeds and mulching with your own garden compost, Blooming Amazing or Farmyard Manure. This will help make a fine topsoil layer for easier seed sowing

  • If weather and soil conditions allow, plant shallots, onions and the much-anticipated early seed potatoes. If you chitted your potatoes last month, get ready for an early crop in the coming months. If you haven’t already done so, chit your second early and maincrop potatoes to ready them for planting in the coming months (check out our guide on growing seed potatoes)

  • If space allows, consider planting an asparagus bed. They’re one of the most prized of all vegetables, and once established they reward you with a spring bounty of delicious spears for many years to come

  • Sow tomato seeds in a greenhouse or on a warm windowsill for a fun and rewarding spring activity, then enjoy your freshly grown tomatoes all summer long

Mantain trees & shrubs


  • Prune summer flowering shrubs, such as Buddleia, Lavatera and Hardy Fuchsias to allow for fresh new growth bearing this year’s flowers

  • If not already done so, finish pruning roses before the new season’s buds develop too much. Top dress with rose food and mulch

  • Plant Pieris in a sheltered spot for some early flowering. They have gentle red leaves, and the contrasting white flowers are attractive to bees, who will still be looking for some extra help as winter ends

We would love to see what you get up to in the garden this March, take a picture and tag us on socials with @dobbiesgardencentres for your chance to be featured on our social media channels