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Garden Watering

LEARN ABOUT garden watering

Welcome to the exciting world of watering! This month we’re learning all about how plants drink and use water to grow big and strong 

We'll discover the secrets of how plants quench their thirst and create their own food. We'll also explore why watering our gardens is so important and how we can all do our bit to be water wise in our own homes and gardens 

What happens to plants during hot weather? 

During hot weather, plants go through some changes: 

Garden Watering
  • Plants lose water: just like humans sweat when it’s warm, plants also ‘sweat’ out water when the temperature rises
  • Their leaves might droop: one of the easiest ways to tell if a plant needs water is if its leaves have started to droop 
  • Plants close the tiny holes on thier leaves: this stops them from losing too much water – these holes are so small that we can’t see them with our eyes 
  • They can change colour: if they go too long without water, plants can turn brown, wither, and even die

Why is watering important for a healthy garden?

Not only is watering our gardens a fun, easy activity – it’s also very important! In our gardens they can be found:

Garden Watering
  • Plants need water to live: just like we do! Imagine if we didn't drink any water – we would feel tired, weak, and unhealthy. Plants feel the same way! Water helps them grow big and strong, and it keeps them healthy and happy 
  • Plants make their food from water: did you know that plants can make their own food? It's true! It’s like a special superpower. They use water and sunlight to make their food, almost like magic! 
  • Sometimes plants need extra help: during hot weather or when it hasn't rained for a while, plants can't find enough water on their own. So, when we water our gardens, we're like plant superheroes, making sure our green friends have the water and hydration they need to grow

What happens in a water shortage?

Have you ever noticed when it doesn't rain for a long, long time? That's called a drought. During a drought, there's not enough rain and it can make things very dry – just like how we feel thirsty when we don't have enough water, the land and plants also get very thirsty during a drought 

If there is a water shortage, here's what we can do to help: 

Garden Watering

1. save water

It's best to water our plants when the sun is not too hot. This way, the water can go to the plants' roots and help them grow strong! 

Garden Watering

2. be a water detective

Look around for any leaks or drips in our house, like from taps or pipes, and tell a grown-up so they can fix them. That way, we won't waste water

Garden Watering

3. use water for what we need

We should use water for important things like drinking, cooking, and washing our hands 

Garden Watering

4. help the plants

Plants also need water during a drought, just like us. We can help by watering them only when needed and giving them just the right amount of water, so they don't get too thirsty! 

Garden Watering

5. be patient and kind

During a water shortage, it's important to be patient and understanding. We can learn to appreciate and take care of the water we have and remember that rain will come again soon 

What can we do to conserve water in our garden?

When we talk about conserving water in our gardens, it means using water wisely so that we don't waste it. Here are some simple things we can all do to save water: 

Garden Watering

1. Water plants in the morning or evening

It's best to water our plants when the sun is not too hot. This way, the water can go to the plants' roots and help them grow strong! 

Garden Watering

2. Use a watering can

Instead of using a hose that sprays a lot of water, we can use a watering can. It helps us control how much water we give to each plant and prevents water from being wasted 

Garden Watering

3. Water the roots

When we water the plants, we should try to pour the water near the roots of the plants. That's where they drink water from the soil. It helps them get the water they need without wasting it 

Garden Watering

4. Mulch it up

We can use something called mulch, like wood chips or straw, to cover the soil around our plants. Mulch helps keep the soil moist for longer, so we don't need to water as often 

Garden Watering

5. Collect rainwater

When it rains, we can put buckets or containers outside to collect rainwater. We can use this rainwater to water our plants later. It's like recycling water! 

Garden Watering

6. Choose water-friendly plants


Some plants need less water than others. We can choose plants that like dry conditions, so we don't have to water them as much. They're like superheroes of saving water 

By doing these things, we can take care of our garden and still save water. It's like giving our plants a special treat and being kind to our environment at the same time